Monday, February 7, 2011

Inventions that Changed Fashion..

Fashion has been completly changed by technology. The new invetnions that the have been introduced have changed the pace of the fashion industry drastically.
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The Sewing Machine...

In the early 1800s, most people didn't have the money, not to mention a choice of stores in which to buy clothes for themselves and their families. At that time, everything was made by hand. Families sewed their pants, shirts, and dresses using a needle and thread. But Elias Howe changed all that, he came up with another way to make clothes. He patented the first practical sewing machine in 1846.

The Cotton Gin...

In 1793, a Yale University graduate named Eli Whitney visited a plantation in Savannah, Georgia, and designed a machine to remove cotton seeds from lint. He gathered up ideas from his visits and moved on to create his invention. After much time Eli Whitney created the cotton gin. As a result of Whitney's invention, cotton became the American South's leading cash crop, supplying Great Britain with most of its cotton.

The Spinning Jenny...

The spinning jenny was an eighteenth century modification of the familiar spinning wheel. One day in the 1750s, English carpenter James Hargreaves (1720–1778) inadvertently knocked over his spinning wheel in his Lancashire, England, home and was startled to see it, on its side, still spinning. He instantly envisioned a series of spinning wheels similarly aligned; such a device, he realized, could approximate the rhythm of human fingers. Hargreaves completed his spinning jenny in 1768.


In the early 1880s Early electric irons used a carbon arc to create heat, however, this was not a safe method. In 1892, hand irons using electrical resistance were introduced by Crompton and Co. and the General Electric Company. During the early 1950s electric steam irons were introduced. On June 6, 1882, Henry W. Seely of NYC patented the electric iron

Has Technology changed Fashion!?